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LedCenterM Temperature
Posted date: 2013/1/15  Read count:1931
LedCenterM is the software name of C-Power Series LED asynchronous control system. This control system is widely used for the monochrome or the tricolor led moving message sign, to show mainly the text, graphics and animation information. And for this kind of LED SIGNS, the temperature indication function is especially important. To show the temperature information is one of the main purposes to use it.
But sometimes the temperature information is not correct, and always higher or lower some than the real temperature of the environment. It would be annoying very much, because mass of people read the error information.

To solve this problem, you'd need to do as below:

1. Run the software "Ledcenterm", and click - "Setting" - "Date time& temperature"

2. Click "Adjust" of option "Temperature".

It is so easy. But the old version "Led Centre M" doesn't has this interface, so if you'd download the latest version "LedCenterM V5.0"

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